Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This has been one extremely hot summer here in Southern California.  This week is said to be on of the hottest and most humid so far with daily temps of 100+!  Its hard enough to look glamorous and vintage on a daily basis let alone being forced to get ready in a small upstairs apartment with no air conditioning.  Absolute hell on earth!  I have no energy as it is once home and therefore no energy to stand in my hot box of a bathroom pinning my hair for the next day.  On top of that my cat decided to shred our screens in the bedroom making it impossible to open the windows for fear of the kitties falling out so we have spent the last month sleeping in the living room under a fan trying to keep as cool as possible. Which is not cool in the least.

Well, with that said, my best friend Michelle and I decided it would only be smart to flee the heat and take a weekend in San Francisco.  As we traveled up the coast line we could see the cars thermometer slowly dropping. It was glorious. July in Frisco at a perfect 67 all weekend!  The next three days were drizzled with light morning rains and cool breezes from the bay. We were staying with Michelle's sister just off Haight Street in a most amazing little apartment complete with two sets of bay windows and a fire escape which reminded us of 'Pretty Woman' and which had us just as scared as poor Richards Gere's character when he's climbing to confess his love.  Of course we spent most of our time thrifting, going to a few hoighty-toighty places where records were ten and dresses in the one hundreds (that's SF for you) but we managed to find a few stores that had really great pieces and prices. I found the most amazing 1940s radio cabinet in great shape and only 60 dollars! Sadly there was no way it would have fit in the car.  I got a few things (see below) and Michelle ended up with loads of books, records, vintage cards, and a beautiful Czech decanter that matches her homes decor perfectly.  A spectacular trip and a much needed getaway from the heat!

 Apartment decor via our hostess.
At Beauty Bar, Miss April.
Night on the town; Myself, Jenn, Michelle.
A Shoe Garden in Alamo Square Park
The apartment was described as "tall-ish, round-ish, and brown-ish" :)
Street art.

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